
Welcome to gen.u.ine.ness! My name is… well my name isn’t all that important. But for the purpose of addressing me, call me G. This blog was started during my student days reviewing restaurants, mainly in London, where I was studying at that time. However after graduating and starting work as a slave to the NHS, and having to study for pesky post-graduate exams, I soon found that work was catching up with me and the blog took a long sabbatical. Now, with all exams out of the way, and with a bit more free time, I have resumed writing once again but now adopting a more casual, relaxed style.

I blog because I love to. Because it is fun. Because it is my hobby. I am not out to gain 10 million hits a day, nor am I all that interested in making money out of my blog. I write it, as I would an entry in my diary, assuming that I am the only person who is reading it. If you are here and enjoy reading it then I am glad to share my thoughts with you.

All bills are paid out of my own pockets and as such represents my own, honest, unbiased and quirky view of a restaurant. I have never, and will never, accepted free meals in return for a review. On occasion, I may be known to the restaurant either through a mutual friend or that I am a regular customer. If that is the case, it will be made very obvious in my writing.

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to drop a comment on my posts or to e-mail me at helsmley@yahoo.com. I will try my best to respond to each comment/ e-mail.

18 thoughts on “About”

  1. Good Sunday evening to you, Kian !

    How are you doing ?

    Came by to say hello and thank you for the comment you left on my blog about Pied A Terre.
    Glad to know that someone else wasn’t crazy about it either, despite the glowing reviews from the well-known food critics !

    Saw your review on The Ledbury and it sounds worth a try.

    I loved how precise the descriptions on your blog are, and the pictures are wonderful. Looking forward to reading more, and will start with Rousillon !

    I am going to be in London next April, and if your medical studies permit and you would like to join me for a meal for lunch or dinner, that might be fun 🙂
    Maybe Food Snob could join us as well – have e-mailed once or twice with him, and enjoy his blog too.

    Hope that you have a good week ahead.
    Loving Annie

  2. londoneater said:

    Kian – Great blog!
    Always nice to see british foodblogs, in particular ones in London. There’s so much culinary diversity in this city that I do feel it’s the perfect place for foodies to thrive.

    Anyway, Keep up the great blog here, and do pop over sometime to londoneater.com if you have time!


  3. bestbyfarr said:

    Great blog, thanks, Ryan


  4. Hi Kian! Nice blog and I’ll be dropping by again soon!

  5. Hi, dropping by to see watsup in London !

    Your blog theme is dark & elegant ,so should go very well with fine dining.

    btw just a side note , your website is left centered ,
    try to center it then it will be even nicer


  6. I am amazed by your culinary visits to quite some fine dining places..
    I understand from your blog intro that you’re a medical student and from Ipoh, Malaysia?
    Same here except I was an engineering student in Dublin..
    Anyway, I appreciate your pictures and writings..your blog prompts me to venture into fine dining in London during my next trip..Glad to know that they do affordable prices during lunch too!
    Keep up the good work!!

    P.S. You’re still a medical student or graduated?

  7. really good and delicious blog! i wish i could blog like u but as a uni student, i find that difficult! got me curious, r u a malaysian??

  8. ok cool.. explains the passion for food.. 🙂 and regarding the frends thingie, world is getting smaller n smaller, who knows we might have walked passed each other in some restaurant!

    anyways, keep it up! ur blog is amazing!

  9. Hi Kian
    I am well impressed with the list of restaurants you have eaten at. I will be sure to also check our your list next time I go to Hong Kong for suggestions.

    Here is a link to my food blog, A Girl Has To Eat.


    Please fell free to pop by sometime.

  10. Hi

    I too am a medical student – (at Imperial though!) – almost finished with Bsc year.

    Only just discovered your blog recently and I am already hooked – the reviews are extremely concise with focused descriptions on the food which is exactly what I want to read. The summaries at the end are especially useful (must be a medical thing!)

    I love to eat out (at the expense of my dwindling student bank account) but have found there are so few medical students at Imperial that actually appreciate good food so its refreshing to come across someone, at medical school too, who not only enjoys eating out but who also holds similar high expectations about the level of cooking that should be delivered at restaurants. I have dined at some of the places you have reviewed and have pretty much come to the same conclusions so I will definitely follow up on the places that have scored highly on your rating system!

    Anyway good luck for finals, I don’t know how you still manage to find the time to blog!


  11. PAUL RUDZINSKI said:

    When is Schloss Berg Part 2 coming I cant wait any longer!!!!

  12. Great blog! Just about to try your chorizo and king prawn past dish, no lemon in the house though. Gutted. Keep up the good work!

  13. Keep up the good work! Your articles are brilliant and well written.. much better than some of the dross in Time Out!

  14. I have been surfing around the London restaurant scene on the net for a couple of days and stumbled on your site. Very enjoyable. Thank you. I am something of a foodie. I live in the USA with my family and I am bringing my daughter to London for a special 3 day vacation before she leaves for university. I would like to have one special meal with her. Unfortunately, given the shows that we will be seeing, the only night that we have open is Sunday, December 27th. As you know, Sunday nights are difficult. I have a reservation at Gordon Ramsay at Claridge’s, but I think that the menu will not work for her (too much fish, too rich and the food is a bit too “fancy”). The same is true for Rhodes W1. Help? Much appreciated.

  15. Ming Suan said:

    Hi, just found your blog through Cumidanciki; great timing as we are going to be in London over Christmas and I was checking out your reviews. Any particular restaurant you would recommend that would be suitable with an (ahem) almost 3 year old in tow?? And I mean one of the nicer restaurants not the local McDs…Cheers!

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